So this will be a short post, just wanted to let anyone who is reading my blog that currently I have broken my computer. Well the cord that plugs the computer into the wall and I will not be able to get a new one until I get home from Afghanistan in sic days. So what this means is that I wont be able to post again until I finally get home.
But this did get my thinking of how dependant I have become of my laptop. Everything I do is on my laptop since I don't have use my smart phone or tablet while deployed. This means checking my e-mail, twitter, face book and even just checked what songs I want to put on my Ipod shuffle for the gym is a impossible tasking for me. Its shocking how dependant I have become to a simple laptop, but that's the case. In the end I actually borrowed a friends laptop just to do this post. I have no idea how I would survived centuries ago before all this technology.
On the gaming front I have completed my second play through on Dark Souls officially bringing me up to 885 points for it. I also picked up a copy of Prototype 2 to get started on, honestly was kind of stupid of me to get it at this point since I'm going home in less then a week. But this is one I expect to play more once I'm home.
On the military front, we're officially prepared to go home. Everything has been mailed off and now I just kill my time playing games waiting for a airplane to take me home. This "easier" deployment was definitely harder then my combat deployment. I didn't realize dealing with such complete idiots for a whole year would take such a heavy toll on me. It also has taken a severe toll on my decision to currently stay in or get out. We'll see how that pans out once I'm home finally and able to hold my wife again.
Well planning on writing another Geek Culture history soon, cant decide on a game like mine craft, or chapter two on the Star Wars situation. We'll see once I'm home and able to post.
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