Monday, June 4, 2012

E3 Day One Complete!

 Here's my personal take on E3 so far.

Poor Poor Nintendo...

   I was kind of hoping that Nintendo could get a break this year. This obviously isn't going to be that year. Nintendo had a pretty cool idea, it was basically the old school Dream Cast idea on a whole new level, but it was something new to bring to the market. They basically took a tablet, stuck it into their controller and left in their motion controls. Awesome I thought, more control over your video game, less controller. Microsoft saw this idea and said to themselves, oh you put a tablet into your controller? We'll just put the program into tablets. Yep that's right, just like when the announcement of the Kinect blew away any hope of making the Wii technology worth something, the new Microsoft Smart Glass technology takes the Wii U idea and puts it into ANYTHING with a touch screen. This is obviously day one and we haven't seen what Nintendo is offering, I just hope its enough to take the scene back from Microsoft. I'll have a larger post on what this thing can do either in a few days on this Blog, or on the Eligible Monster blog soon. For now, I think I made a mess in my pants at the possibilities.

Halo 4, More Elites because there's cake.

   So I'm happy we have more Master Chief, I'm happy we're getting Cortana again, and hell there is the elites again... Okay this is starting to just look familiar. Sadly in my opinion it appears Halo is about to fall into the COD trend. Just another rehash of the same game to sell the name. Sure we saw a new alien and we saw some new tech with the new guns. Overall though, it looks like its the same ol Master Chief and Halo. Here's to hoping we at least have some new game play mechanics or they at least bring a lot of the Reach features into the game. Regardless I'll play it and the live action stuff they put into the beginning was just amazing!

Gears of War...Again....

   Don't get me wrong, I am in love with Gears of War. I don't know if its the sappy bromance story or the over the top chainsaw guns, but I love it. I tip a beer in hopes that this wont be more rehash of the exact same just to sell the game again.

Tomb Raider can raid my tomb...

   I'll regret that statement later with my wife, I already know it. I have to say though, I'm throughly impressed with the new Tomb Raider. I was expecting the same old rehash with a prettier face, but they have defeintly completely reinvented the game...and seem to have ripped off Uncharted. Not that this is a bad thing, but from the trailer we saw today they defiently took a lot of ideas from that blockbuster series over on the PS3. Now the question is can they properly make a game to compete with Uncharted and have it be on all the systems, because I'm seriously not a fan of my PS3...

Assassin's Creed...I made a mess in my pants again

   I won't lie, I was getting a bit burned out on  the Assassin's Creed series. I absolutely, positively, without a doubt love the series. Its always in diffirent and unique areas that no other game even tries. Walking around killing random people and stalking your prey is awesome. But after giving us a yearly release for about five years now, it was growing very stale and tiresome. But when I saw this trailer, I flipped, within the short 5 minute trailer they showed us all the gameplay we know and love, but with a whole new take on it. No more Italy, we're in New England. No more hidden dagger, we have a tomahawk. No more full florished cities, we have wooded areas, with soldiers looking for you to killing you with a single bullet. They could have showed us just the good stuff, or we could possibly have the next big thing. I cant wait, let me go clean my pants now.

More of my personal opinions on E3 tomorrow!


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