Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I have a idea, lets make the same game!

    So just going to make a quick post. What is with gaming companies lately and just rehashing the exact same game! We've seen it a lot folks, but allow me to bring to your attention our two culprits for the day. Dead Rising 2: Off The Record and Prototype 2, both of which are newer titles, both of which got a lot of hype and both of which are just attempts to cash in more money on the same game.
Now lets start with Dead Rising. The idea behind this title is that its a re imagining of the original Dead Rising 2. They wanted to tell the story of what if Frank West was at this scene instead of Chuck Green. Alright on paper that sounds like a good idea. I also wont try to hide the fact that I was pretty excited by this concept. I pictured scenes of Frank West going into areas Chuck never got to go and us as the audience getting to see that Frank was there the whole time working to help Chuck! This is not what we got, we got a game where they pretended Chuck went crazy and we play out a story that basically doesn't happen in the Dead Rising canon. to top all of this off Frank West is running around all of the same areas that Chuck went. The exact same areas, which only a couple of items moved around to keep you guessing. To warrant this as a new game they re scripted a few characters to talk to Frank, threw in two new bosses and a new area. I bought it and about a hour in realize I basically wasted my money. I had already spent so much time on the original that I didn't care to go through this game more then once, even finishing it that one time was painful. Just a shameless attempt to cash in on a successful game.
The next culprit is even worse then Dead Rising 2, and is my current game I'm trying to play through. Prototype 2 had a ton of hype behind it, it was supposed to build upon what the original gave us. We were promised a great story in which our new lead character was trying to kill our old lead character. New powers, new areas, new story and new graphics all of it promised at some point. What we actually got was a game with one new power, the exact same area(new york city) as the first game and basically a plot that is a excuse to rewrite everything they already created. The graphics are rehashed, even the cut scenes are ass. The game is just a attempt to make a quick buck off the original game.
So as my heading says, I have a idea, lets make the same game! I swear that must be how these corporate meetings go.

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