Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I-Phone Games, Dragons Dogma Video Incoming, and Earth 2!

   Alright little known fact, I am horribly addicted to App based games. I start them up and lose myself. But here's a truly awesome one. My real job in the real world is a preventive medicine technician. Basically my job is to prevent disease, so in this game the goal is to create a disease and watch it spread and help it evolve!!! Amazing and addicting everyone needs to check this one out!

Dragons Dogma

  Alright, if you read earlier posts, I love RPGs. I was addicted to Dark Souls, I played Skyrim for 100+ hours. ZodicalCandy is the shooter chick, I'm the RPG fanatic. Go figure. So I'm going to be recording a Let's Play style video (Mostly jumping to the highlights) of Dragons Dogma. Love it so far, yet I only did the opening. Look for it on the Eligible Monster YouTube channel within the next few days!

Earth 2 DC Comics  

   Seeing as this is my personal blog, it may or may not contain some random geek ranting along with my video game ranting. Oh wait it will contain it. With that said...
   Look at this! I can get behind the complete reimagining of Alan Scott. Which is you havent heard is now the headlining gay superhero in the DC Universe. They promoted the gay super hero as the Green Lantern, but it was actually Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern and not the one that you've seen in the movie Hal Jordan. But Im fine with them changing his alter ego as long as they retain the original costume and powers of the original Alan Scott. But I am a huge fan of the Flash, I love all of the Flashes from Jay Garrick to Bart Allen. But the moment I got this issue in the mail I flipped out, how can you change the iconic original Flash costume from this...
   Sorry I try not to use caps often, but this change required it. I've decided to give Earth 2 three more issues, but if we see more drastic changes like this I'm going to be unsubscribing. Its almost as if DC decided to use their rejected costume remakes on the poor poor members of the Justice Society...


The Youtube Channel!

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